November 18, 2012

A follow up to last weeks topic ‘Simple Weight Loss Foods

Along with healthy eating comes fitness and exercise. It can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer by up to 50% and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%.

It’s free, easy to take, has an immediate effect and you don’t need a GP to get some.

Article today is based on another e-book sold at the Books and Traders website This book contains seven chapters going in depth about fitness, health and exercise.  Here is a breakdown of the contents page.

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Knowing about Fitness, Health and Exercise (2 pages)
  • Chapter 2: The Basic requirements (10 pages)
  • Chapter 3; Essentials and Advices (13 pages)
  • Chapter 4; Types of Aerobics (9 pages)
  • Chapter 5; Strength and Building Plans (27 pages)
  • Chapter 6; Live Longer and Stay Healthy While Feeling younger (15 pages)
  • Chapter 7; Promoting Health (12 pages)
  • Conclusion

As it has many pages, I’ll give a summary of only the first two chapters, each chapter has quite a lot of information that is useful.

The fact these days is that only a few actually adhere to a healthy lifestyle. The majority of people still eat junk and will still fill their plates with fats and carbohydrates. Most would rather sit on the couch and watch TV than work out at the gym or do some jogging. Old habits after all, die hard. But starting a healthy lifestyle is not really as impossible as you think it is. In fact, with commitment and discipline, you can actually start walking the road to health and fitness.  Truth is, it will be hard but just imagine the rewards that you will get in return.

People who live healthy will get to enjoy more of their lives, not only in terms of reaching a good old age of 90+ years old but in enjoying each moment of your life because you are illness-free.

Knowing about Fitness, Health and Exercise

Diet alone is never enough to lose weight and keep it off. In fact it is never enough to live healthier. Moderate exercises on a timely schedule are imperative for staying fit and healthy, while including a diet with low cholesterol and fat. In fact, there’s a misunderstanding about body fat and cholesterol. Likewise, carbohydrates and calories are also misunderstood.

Body fats are a requirement of the body. Fat is necessary for the body to function appropriately. Fat controls the body’s temperature, while cushioning and insulating the tissues and organs. In fact, fat is the main supporting system for the body to work properly. This is part of the reason that few people exercising and dieting do not grow healthy at times. They plan a diet that cuts out all the fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, and/or other nutrients the body requires. Therefore when making a goal toward fitness and health, by including diet and exercise first of all find out a few details pertaining to fats, cholesterol, carbohydrates and calories.

Exercise is always important, but to keep lean and feel good, there are important facts that you should know about exercising as well. If you are out of shape, you may want to start out a low moderate exercise routine that lasts for 10 minutes per session to give your body the opportunity to catch up.

Example; You can do 10-minute sessions 3 times per day to get the best results, until you gradually work your way up to 30-minute sessions. One hour is the general rule to quality exercise that creates a lean body.

Some great aerobic exercises to start are:

  • Steps ups,
  • Sit-ups,
  • Stretching,
  • Flex exercises
  • Dance aerobics.

One of the best routines I’ve found that keeps the body healthy, tone, lean, and feeling good is the series of exercises listed below:

In the e-book, it gives a set of exercises that you can follow at the start of getting a lean, tone body.

The Basic Requirements

Exercise is essential for promoting healthy bones, muscles, reducing health risks, and enforcing the body to function properly.

Exercise and eating right has proven to be two primary sources for a healthier mind and body. If you sleep a lot, your muscles and bones are affected in a negative way. The more you lie around or sit around the house, the more your bones and muscles will deteriorate. Bones and muscle deterioration will soon leads to more complicated health issues. So therefore, whether you sleep too much or do not get enough sleep, part of the solution is to eat healthy, and work those muscles and bones on a daily schedule.

Today, there are hundreds of types of exercises and diets to select from, yet all have their own idea of what the body requires. For example, Carbohydrate pushers lead you to believe that adhering to a CARB diet will give you better results than sticking to other types of diets. Few of these sources fail to tell you that exercise is a requirement of the body. CARB diets are illogical, since the body also requires proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories, cholesterol, and so on.

If the body is not getting what it requires, regardless of the type of diet you choose, the body will let you down. CARB diets tend to cause a person gain weight as they grow older. Therefore, CARB diets are only an idea that makes money for someone else.

All of us have a different shape of body. The type of exercise then depends on the body type, since some body’s work best with mass exercises, while others work best with toning exercises.

Aerobics and weight lifting is one of the better choices of exercises. Combining the two makes it a cross training scheme that is said to work better than merely lifting weights or else participating in aerobics.

Again, the body has more requirements than merely exercising and dieting. Rather, the requirements include knowing what is right for your type of body. If you start an exercise routine and experience on-going pain, likely the exercise procedure is not right for your type of body.

The body requires the amount of meals per day depending on the body type. Many people believe that if they skip meals it is a way to lose weight. If your body does not know which direction to go, you could gain weight even if you are eating properly. Chiropractors have found that eating three healthy and moderate meals a day can help people lose weight. In fact, the body requires a scheduled meal plan. Like people, when a plan changes it brings on problems, or stressors, likewise at what time you change the bodies eating schedule, it too gives us problems.

It is important that you visit your doctor before starting any diet solution, or exercise to make sure that you are on the right path to fitness. Medical practitioners have often provided helpful tips, which could lead you toward fitness at a healthy pace, while building mass. Your general practitioner may advise you on which vitamins that your specific body lacks. Thus, including vitamins is essential when considering fitness.’

Maintaining fitness is imperative to take care of the body. Since if the body is not keeping fit, illnesses can breakdown the body or terminate the life. Aging is one of the problems reports are putting emphasis on, since if the body is not receiving its proper amount of nutrients and exercise the body breaks down earlier in life, thus aging processes start sooner.

Then what is your choice? You have the option to start training now and setting up a diet that works with your body to reduce suffering.

The body is a tricky temple. However, it does let you know when something is wrong or if it requires something to make it function well. The only choice then you have is to find a solution that is right for your body that will help you maintain fitness.

In conclusion, live and stay strong by listening to your body’s demands now before it is too late.

To know and read more into the other chapters, grab your own copy at


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